Southeast Anthony Henday Ring Road

This project was for the design, build, financing, operation and maintenance of the Southeast Anthony Henday Drive and the operation and maintenance of specified adjacent segments. The concession agreement with the Province of Alberta continues for 30 years post-construction completion. The road was officially opened to traffic on October 23, 2007. This project, delivered ahead of schedule and on budget, was the first road in Alberta completed through a public-private partnership.

Shopland Projects provided senior leadership as well as day to day management responsibilities for the Private Sector team. The overall project consisted of a design build phase for constructing an eleven (11) Km section of new highway and the operations, maintenance and rehabilitation phase for the new highway and the operations and maintenance of an additional 30 KM of existing highway for a 30-year period.

Project Details:

Client: Access Road Edmonton Limited

Timeline: April 2006 – March 2014

Project Budget: $395,000,000

Highlight: General Manager for the private sector team for the first Public Private Partnership projects in the Province of Alberta. We managed this remotely from Vancouver and stepped into the role partway through the design build phase.